TexCreate `translate-tex` Proposal


2 min read

TexCreate has recently had a surge in downloads, which makes me very happy to see. It is a nice motivation to keep going with the project, and one feature I'm proposing is one simple command to completely make the texcgen project obsolete.

While using the Zig programming language, one of my favorite compiler parts is the translate-c command, which allows it to read a C file and print out a Zig equivalent. Consider the following example:

int add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

int main()
    int c = add(3, 5);
    return 0;

If we were to use zig translate-c foo.c, we get the following output:

pub export fn add(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
    var a = arg_a;
    _ = &a;
    var b = arg_b;
    _ = &b;
    return a + b;
pub export fn main() c_int {
    var c: c_int = add(@as(c_int, 3), @as(c_int, 5));
    _ = &c;
    return 0;

This also has a bunch of bindings, but the core is here. So what if we had a tool to read a .tex file and generate a json file of it that is readable for texcore? This helps many individuals create custom Templates and perhaps even upload them to a centralized registry.

There is no actual code to this proposal yet, but it will be added to the Roadmap that I will build for TexCreate v4 so we can ensure that individuals have the best experience!

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